What is openPIC Pro?
OpenPIC Pro is an old friend. It has been with us for two generations. Many of us made our first steps in embedded world with OpenPIC Pro. Today it has thousands of users: students, hobbyists, enthusiasts and professionals. It is used in many schools and other educational institutions across the globe. It provides a low-cost easy-to-use platform with common modules to bring you into the colorful embedded world.
The OpenPIC Pro Development Board is intended as a development, demonstration and testing platform for many families of Microchip 8-bit,16-bit and 32-bit microcontroller devices. The board features all the necessary hardware (such as power supply, common user interfaces, modules, communications, and I/O connectivity) to begin developing and debugging a complete embedded application.
System Specifications
15.06CM *19CM
What’s on Board?
1.MCU Card Socket
○The OpenPIC Pro equips a 144-pin Plug-In Module socket, supporting a wide variety of 16-bit and 32-bit microcontroller families via PICXXX-XXX V2 series MCU Cards. The MCU Cards supported by the OpenPIC Pro development board are: PIC28-A V2, PIC28-B V2, PIC44-A V2, PIC44-B V2, PIC44-C V2, PIC64-A V2, PIC64-B V2, PIC64-C V2, PIC64-D V2, PIC64-MZ V2, PIC80-A V2, PIC80-B V2, PIC100-A V2, PIC100-B V2, PIC100-MZ V2, PIC144-A V2 and PIC144-MZ V2 etc. which are respectively for most PIC24, dsPIC33, PIC32 microcontroller families in 28-pin, 44-pin, 64-pin, 80-pin, 100-pin, and 144-pin TQFP packages. You can use different microcontrollers on the OpenPIC Pro development board for development, demonstration and testing via using these MCU cards.
2.Interface for Programmer
○Standard 6-pin interface “ICSP” for programmers like PICKIT2,PICKIT3,ICD2 etc.
○“PWRLED”:Power LED Indicator, indicates when power supply is switched on.
○“L1”:User LED Indicator – useful for indicating the IO state of PIC microcontroller.
○“L2”:User LED Indicator – useful for indicating the IO state of PIC microcontroller.
○“L3”:User LED Indicator – useful for indicating the IO state of PIC microcontroller.
○“L4”:User LED Indicator – useful for indicating the IO state of PIC microcontroller.
○“L5”:User LED Indicator – useful for indicating the IO state of PIC microcontroller.
○“L6”:User LED Indicator – useful for indicating the IO state of PIC microcontroller.
○“L7”:User LED Indicator – useful for indicating the IO state of PIC microcontroller.
○“L8”:User LED Indicator – useful for indicating the IO state of PIC microcontroller.
4.Button Device
○“RESET”:System Reset Button– for manually resetting the microcontroller.
○“KEY1”:User Button– state readable by the PIC microcontroller.
○“KEY2”:User Button– state readable by the PIC microcontroller.
○“KEY3”:User Button– state readable by the PIC microcontroller.
○“UP”: Direction UP on Jostick– state readable by the PIC microcontroller.
○“DOWN”:Direction DOWN on Jostick– state readable by the PIC microcontroller.
○“LEFT”: Direction LEFT on Jostick– state readable by the PIC microcontroller.
○“RIGHT”: Direction RIGHT on Jostick– state readable by the PIC microcontroller.
○“CENTER”: Direction CENTER on Jostick– state readable by the PIC microcontroller.
5.Power Supply
○The board can be powered in two different ways: with USB power supply (USB) or using external DC 7-12V via adapter connector Jack (POWER(7-12V)).
○5V or 3.3V power supply is optional for the system(But for most PIC24,dsPIC and PIC32 MCUs,the working volage is 3.3V).
○RS232 Module with interface – useful for transferring data to/from the PIC microcontroller using RS232 communication protocol.
○RS485 Module with interface – useful for transferring data to/from the PIC microcontroller using RS485 communication protocol.
○CAN Module with interface – useful for transferring data to/from the PIC microcontroller using CAN communication protocol.
○Mini USB connector(Installed on MCU Cards) – shares USB signals with the USB connector and is useful for the development of dedicated USB embedded host applications, when used in conjunction with a USB capable.
○6 digit Segment LED Display – useful for displaying user application measured value.
○Socket for 16x2 Character LCD Display Module – useful for displaying user application strings/ measured value.
○Socket for 128x64 Graphical Liquid Crystal Display Module – useful for displaying user application strings/ measured value/graphical interface.
8.1-WIRE Bus
○Socket for DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Module – useful for monitoring the ambient temperature.
○TF Card Module – useful to save data.
○IIC External EEPROM Module – useful to save data that should be saved when the power supply goes off.
10.Sound Generator Device
○Buzzer –to generate voice using a voltage signal of specified frequency from the PIC microcontroller.
11.Analog to Digital Conversion
○Potentiometer ADC Input: 10 kΩ Potentiometer – useful as an analog signal source for ADC demonstration or user interface purposes.
○Socket for 28BYJ-48-5V stepmoter with ULN2003A Darlington Array drive.
13.System Clock
○32.768 kHz Low-power Oscillator Crystal Input (Installed on MCU Card)
○Socket for System main Oscillator Crystal(Installed on MCU Card)
14.External expansion
○Three ModuleBUS Socket for hardware expansion,which is compatible with mikroBUS™by Mikroe. It is useful for attaching a wide array of hardware expansion boards, for extending the functionality of the platform.
Power Supply
The board can be powered in two different ways: with USB power supply (Tpye B) or using external DC 7-12V via adapter connector Jack (POWER(7-12V)).
Programmer/Debugger Requirement
An external PIC programmer/Debugger is required to download code to the PIC on the board. It supports many Programmers/Debuggers like PICKIT2,PICKIT3 or ICD2 etc.
Select a MCU Card to equip openPIC pro
We have designed over 15 different MCU Card boards to equip OpenPIC Pro.By now,they are PIC28-A V2, PIC28-B V2, PIC44-A V2, PIC44-B V2, PIC44-C V2, PIC64-A V2, PIC64-B V2, PIC64-C V2, PIC64-D V2, PIC64-MZ V2, PIC80-A V2, PIC80-B V2, PIC100-A V2, PIC100-B V2, PIC100-MZ V2, PIC144-A V2 and PIC144-MZ V2 which is respectively for most PIC24, dsPIC33, PIC32 microcontroller families in 28-pin, 44-pin, 64-pin, 80-pin 100-pin, and 144-pin TQFP packages. Different microcontrollers are supported using these MCU cards, which are placed into the on-board female MCU socket on the OpenPIC Pro Development Board. these MCU cards are shown below:
Packing List
openPIC pro( Comes with the microcontroller as the title says ),----------------------------------------------------------------------1pcs;
Dupont 1P-1P(F) DIY Cable,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8pcs;
Dupont 8P-8P(F) DIY Cable,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3pcs;
Name |
Type |
Target MCU |
Link |
IDE/Compiler |
Sample Source Code |
rar |
for dsPIC30F6010A |
Based on MPLAB X IDE + XC16 Compiler |
for dsPIC30F6014A |
for dsPIC33EP512MU810 |
for dsPIC33EP512MU814 |
for dsPIC33EPXXXGM306 |
for dsPIC33EPXXXGM710 |
for dsPIC33EPXXXGP506 |
for dsPIC33EPXXXMC206 |
for dsPIC33EPXXXMC504 |
for dsPIC33EPXXXMC506 |
for dsPIC33EPXXXMC806 |
for dsPIC33EPXXXMU806 |
for dsPIC33FJXXXGP306 |
for dsPIC33FJXXXGP706A |
for dsPIC33FJXXXGP710A |
for dsPIC33FJXXXMC510A |
for dsPIC33FJXXXMC706 |
for dsPIC33FJXXXMC708 |
for dsPIC33FJXXXMC710A |
for PIC24EP512GU814 |
for PIC24FJXXXGA106 |
for PIC24FJXXXGA110 |
for PIC24FJXXXGB106 |
for PIC24FJXXXGB206 |
for PIC24HJXXXGP206(A) |
for PIC24HJXXXGP210A |
for PIC24HJXXXGP310A |
for PIC24HJXXXGP510A |
for PIC32MX695F512L |
Based on MPLAB X IDE + C32 Compiler
(Contact us for Download Link of C32 Compiler)
e-mail:[email protected] |
for PIC32MX795F512L |
for PIC32MX795F512H |
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